I did what I think anybody my age would have done... I cried. A lot, actually. I remember this much pretty clearly. To be abundantly clear, testers were not the only group here. There were also caretakers. I didn't have a good name for them other than that, but they were also sapiens as I now know them, but in different attire. Most of them just wore casual clothes and were very nice to me.

Oftentimes it didn't actually feel like they were members of the same species.
There was a shorter one. Honestly compared to me she was pretty tall but... for her species she seemed really short. She checked on me every day, would ask me how I was doing, and make sure that anything that went wrong would get fixed. She actually cared about us, and at a time when nothing else made much sense... it went a long way. But...
Well, I don't quite remember. I think that a guard or maybe one of the testers grabbed her, but regardless, she was taken away from me. No matter how much I cried about it they assured me that she would be back soon once the testing was done, but I had never seen them do that before. They would usually keep the caretakers in the room with us, but for some reason today wasn't a day they were "allowed to," according to them. i hope you're okay now mary

It was just all so disorderly, and I think it made the panic worse. There were so many more of the testers around than usual, a group of five of them had to work together to strap me into one of their testing apparatuses. I don't remember their names, but I wasn't the only vesper there, there were two others with me. One of which was a bit older than me, but he was just kind of... there. He didn't look like he was present, his head was slumped down and he wasn't responding when I called his name. I remember crying about it, but not much more. Everything starts becoming hazy around here. I think that they hooked up some of those things that let you measure your pulse, an IV, and... well, I really don't remember much more. It all sort of fades into a messy blob of ideas and voices.

And then one of the testers made a critical error.

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